Some golden oldies here; 

All the art in this section was not produced by Aventures in ENF; all credit goes to the original artists.

We cannot update, complete, modify or otherwise alter any of this material.

Please note that most of the material on this page was produced in the last decade, and as good as it is, it may show its age, also some of it is, alast, incomplete.

This said go on and check it out; you'll be glad you did.

how to create a website for free

Moses 3000BC

ENF Comics and games and a short clip from Moses 3000BC.



Videos from Morphy.
Some of his original work can still be seen on his yahoo groups page 



Comics and digital art from Thew!



Pin-up artwork, comics and flash games from Legmuscle.
Legmuscle is still very much active, you can follow his work on his deviantart page.