Curious Things

The year is 1985 and it's a quiet summer night in the town of Eagle Nest when suddenly the residents are roused by a large detonation from a farm just outside the city limits, converging on the area Sheriff Helen Boucher, her male deputy and local reporter Whitney Brown finds what appear to be the remains of an illegal distillery.

What they don't know is that the explosion has opened the way to terrifying supernatural forces whom are now at work, driven by a fascination with the anatomy of the town's women.

It is all strangely familiar to Brown whose past hide a dark secret and the memory of odd, long lost powers.

Can the trio prevent the unaware town and its female population from becoming the plaything of the mysterious creatures or will they share in their fate?

A town called Freedom

It seems Bad Bart luck has finally run out but as his appointment with the gallows draw closer her old partner Dolores and her gang bust into town and rescue the outlaw.

When the news reach Sheriff Stark she attempt to rally up a posse to recapture the escaped criminal but her previous misadventures have left her the subject of constant snickering, overt lust and open scorn from the town inhabitants and few are willing to join.

With her ragtag group of misfits Sheriff Stark head to the town of Freedom, a lawless den of iniquity run by a ruthless and mysterious figure known only as “The Mayor” where Bart, Dolores and her gang are said to be holed in, but betrayal and humiliation awaits them all. 

Betty Nova and the Planet of Embarrassment

When famed Space Heroine Betty Nova and her loyal sidekick Galactic Girl are forced into an emergency landing on the planet Faanboiaz Five they are unexpectedly received with a hero's welcome.

It turns out the Faanbois all but worship the renowned heroine and are extremely excited to have her in their mist.

What the heroine fail to realize is that the Faanbois are far more absorbed with her looks and body that with any of her derring-dos and will go to any extent to get a better look.

World of Shamecraft
The Dragon Queen

It's been months since Aisha began riding with the orcs of the Dead-beat tribe and their intrepid leader, Skrunz the Uncivil, behind them lay a trail of killed mad priests, sacked hidden temples and little else that wasn't nailed down.

What the orcs may lack in education, cunning, table manners or general sense of decency they more then make up in ambition having set their eyes on the heist of a lifetime, to steal the crown of the Dragon Queen, a magical artifact said to grant the wearer complete control over all the dragons in the kingdom, perhaps even the Great Dragon Kittorax.

Seeing an opportunity to finally flee the world of M’razzak Aisha infiltrate the castle with the orcs. Will our heroine finally know triumph and glory or will she once again be bathed in defeat and shame?